Invisible Ingredient In Wet Canned Pet Food – Cassia Gum Powder
Cassia Gum Powder is one of the key ingredients in wet canned pet food but yet remains invisible. It works as a gelling agent in wet canned pet food products. When Cassia Gum is used alone it is less effective as a gelling agent whereas it is more effective as a gelling agent when used with Kappa Carrageenan.
Cassia Gum Powder has many reasons that make it the foremost choice to be used in Wet Canned Pet Food Products. Some of them are as mentioned below.
Economically Cheaper
The ingredients used in pet food should be affordable since the cost of the ingredients used during the production process affects the cost of the product. Cassia Gum Powder is suitable for pet food production due to economical costs.
Does Not Affect the Taste of the Product
A pet knows the quality of the food and has tantrums for the good taste of their foods. Hence, a wet canned pet food manufacturer must ensure that the taste of the food is natural. Cassia Gum has fewer chances to impact any kind of taste of the pet food and is one of the reasons why it is used.
Doesn’t Smell
The food-grade Cassia Gum Powder used in pet food has a neutral smell which is shown by various studies. As a result, with no changes in pet food, cassia gum can be used in the manufacturing process.
The thickness of Gel Increases Depending Upon The Amount
The thickness of the gel increases with the increase in the Cassia Gum Powder amount. With this beneficial property, the pet food manufacturer can increase or decrease the thickness of the pet food.
Results in Low Costing of Final Product
Since Cassia Gum is lower in cost as compared to other hydrocolloids the manufacturing cost is also lower. This eventually results in low costing of the final product.
Optimize the Gelling System
The cassia gum powder is an excellent gel and is known to easily mix and give the required thickness to the wet pet food. Also, it optimizes the gelling system and helps to improve the speed of the manufacturing process of the wet canned pet food.
Increase Mouth Feeling
The cassia gum has excellent properties that make it suitable for it to be used in the pet food manufacturing process. One of the excellent features of this gum powder is that enhances the mouth feeling of the pet food and helps to improve the quality of the finished product.
High Molecular Polysaccharide
The molecular polysaccharide adds to the enhanced features of cassia gum. It contains at least 75% polysaccharide that consists primarily of a linear chain. This chain has 1,4-β-D-mannopyranose units and further, it is linked with 1,6 to αD-galactopyranose units.
Natural Product
Cassia Gum is a natural product that is used as an ingredient in wet canned pet food. Manufacturers can use this as a key ingredient in their manufacturing process and this will result in the finished product as a natural product.
Excellent Texture to End Product
An ingredient that has excellent properties and makes it suitable to be used as a key ingredient in the processing process, Cassia gum has another property that makes it a suitable choice for the production process. This quality is that Cassia powder gives an excellent texture to the final product.
Many qualities make Cassia Gum Powder an excellent choice to be used as a key ingredient in the manufacturing of wet canned pet food.
The usage of Cassia Gum Powder is approved by several countries and is used in most of the world. The regulatory information is as given below.
Cassia Gum Powder Number
CAS No. (Galactomannan)
EEC No. of
International Listings of Cassia Tora Powder
Australia (AICS)
KE – 17406
Globally, cassia gum powder has different names in different languages. A table for information is mentioned below.
Translation in Global Languages
Goma Cassia
Cassia Guma
Gomme De Cassia
Gumy Cassia
Goma De Cassia
Guma De Cassia
Guma Cassia
Goma Cassia
Cassia Gum is used globally due to the multiple benefits and quality of this natural gelling agent. One should look for investment in such kinds of naturally available products to survive any kind of scarcity of gels.