The Future of Cassia Gum Powder in the Global Market
Cassia Gum Powder is sourced from a wild crop known as Cassia Tora. The botanical name is Cassia Obtusifolia which belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family. It grows in several parts of India since it requires a hot and tropical climate to grow. This plant is considered a weed plant in most states in India. It is an ancient ingredient used as a natural ingredient worldwide.
There are innumerable applications for this in several industries all around the world. It is useful in the pet food industry as well as cattle feed. Due to its useful properties as a natural gelling agent, stabilizer, thickening agent, emulsifier it is useful for several food products like cheese, frozen dairy agent. It is also invaluable in cosmetic products, air freshers and hair care products. The other industries include textile industry, mining industry and even the pharmaceutical industry.
Future of Cassia Gum Powder-
Between the period 2018 to 2023, a CAGR of 6.7% is predicted.
The instant mix segment is also likely to have a rapid growth during the period between 2018 to 2023 at a rate of 4.5%.
The future is bright for Cassia gum powder in the cosmetic industry which is predicted to increase by 36% by 2023.
The growth in the pharmaceutical industry from 2018 to 2023 of a CAGR of 4.1% will increase the demand for Cassia Powder.
The steady growth with a CAGR of 7.2% is expected during the period 2019 – 2026.
There is also expected to be a growth food stabilizer market during the period between 2017 to 2023 of 4.1%. This sector has been growing steadily and rapidly since 2016.
By 2022 there will be growth at a CAGR of 6% as per the predictions.
The overall market is expected to grow to a 42.4 Billion USD market by 2026.
The demand due to increase in consumption of Dog Food is likely to increase rapidly by 2023.
Hair conditioning products are driving the demand from the cosmetic sector since more importance is being given to natural hair formulations.
Several countries in Europe, Asia and America have approved the use of Cassia including China and Japan.
The demand is increasing further as the rules & regulations in more countries change in favour of the use of Cassia.

It can act as a gelling agent which has several applications in the food industry.
It is an effective tonic and stimulant as well.
It has a spicy aroma and taste mainly due to the fact that it contains up to 2% of volatile oil.
This is a natural pesticide that has several applications in organic farms.
When Cassia Powder is blended with other hydrocolloids like carrageenan or xanthan it produces a synergistical gel that has several industrial applications.
It is a good thickening agent and an emulsifier.
Cassia has good stabilizing properties and is a moisture retention agent.
It helps improve the texture of cheese.
An important ingredient for frozen dairy desserts since it has anti-crystallization property.
It has several useful properties that make it vital as an additive in meat and poultry products.
Thus, Cassia Gum Powder has so many useful properties that are beneficial to many industries all around the world. This includes the food industry and the pet food industry to name a few. The statistics suggest the global demand for it will only increase in the future.