Cassia Meals overview for animal feed

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum, Cassia Tora Meal
Senna pod or better known as cassia Tora is a legume family plant found in the Southern part of Southeastern Asia and Western pacific. It is found in abundance in India, China, and other south Asian countries which makes it economical. It can be used widely due to its nutritional and medicinal values. Its leaves and seeds can be used to treat a plethora of diseases related to skin such as ringworm, infection, toothing, and so on. It is used extensively in the Chinese and Indian medication system. Most of the medicine involves the usage of leaves and seeds of the plant.

The Health Benefits of Cassia Powder

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum, Cassia Powder
Beyond making delicious Easter biscuits, Cinnamomum cassia makes it an ideal ingredient in many recipes and herbal preparations. The health benefits of cassia powder are many but chiefly, it is valued for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It is therefore the powder is a crucial part of many prescriptions of folk practitioners in China and India.

How Cassia Powder and Cassia Obovata Powder is Different in Hair Treatment?

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum, Cassia Powder
Cassia gum powder is a plant product to be retrieved from a plant species Cassia obstusifolia or Cassia tora. The gum is a polysaccharide in nature composed of Galactomannan, with mannose and galactose, arranged in the ratio of 5:1. The molecular weight of this compound varies from 200 to 300 kilo Dalton. The gum has wide applications as a gelling agent in the Ice cream industry, hair products, the pet food industry, etc.

Medicinal Properties of Cassia Gum Powder & Its Applications

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum, Cassia Powder
Cassia powder, also known as senna powder, is procured from the endosperm of the Cassia tora seeds. It has a pale yellowish colour and a peculiar smell. This plant is mostly found in India, Pakistan, China and Bangladesh. Cassia powder is considered as a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) in countries like the USA, India, Japan and Europe region. Because of that, it is considered a safe food additive and it is widely used as a thickening agent in various food products. Cassia gum powder has gained immense popularity because of its unique medicinal properties and it is used as a blood purifier and laxative.

Cassia Gum Application for Wet Canned Pet Food

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum, Cassia Powder
Owning a pet has always been a hobby for people but this trend has rapidly increased in years. It has become so common that one can find at least one pet in almost every house. So providing them good quality food, healthy and hygienic stay comes naturally. A variety of pet food brands are capturing the market with their offerings. So what does this pet food comprise that makes it different from normal food?

Life Changing Impact of Cassia Tora Seeds to various Industry players in India

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum, Cassia Tora Seed
The cassia tora plant is mainly found in south East Asia and the south west of the pacific and has been recognized as a very important weed. It is a herbaceous annual herb, growing approximately 12 to 35 inches tall. The leaves grow approximately 4.5 centimeters long and stems have a distinct smell when young. The plant has yellow flowers which eventually produce pods that appear flattened, with a length of 15 centimeters, in a sickle shape and hence the plant got the common name sickle pod.

Cassia Powder Application for Water Treatment

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum, Cassia Powder
Cassia powder is obtained from the seeds of the plant and is available in the form of flour. The endosperms of the seeds of Senna obtusifolia and Senna tora are used that are also referred to as Cassia obtusifolia and Cassia tora. They comprise of at least 75 polysaccharide that mostly consists of galactomannan having a mannose and galactose ratio of 5:1. This helps in achieving a high molecular mass ranging between 200,000-300,000 Da.

Current Government Efforts and Impact in Cassia Gum Value Chain Promotion

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum
The cassia tora plant is also known as chakoda in some parts of India. It is widely known for its various applications such as medicinal applications, food applications and various industrial uses of the cassia powder. The plant mainly grows in the tropical areas of India mainly in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The main parts of the plant utilized for commercial applications are the leaves and the seeds which are collected for local sales or for individual consumption.

The Future of Cassia Gum Powder in the Global Market

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum, Cassia Powder
Cassia Gum Powder is sourced from a wild crop known as Cassia Tora. The botanical name is Cassia Obtusifolia which belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family. It grows in several parts of India since it requires a hot and tropical climate to grow. This plant is considered a weed plant in most states in India. It is an ancient ingredient used as a natural ingredient worldwide.

Cassia Gum Application in Paper Industry

Posted on Categories Cassia Gum
Paper is produced by compressing the moist fibers of cellulose pulp which is derived from wood, rags or grasses, etc. and drying them into flexible sheets. Paper has a number of application in daily life, including- writing, printing, packaging, cleaning, decorating, and a number of industrial and construction processes. Earlier, the most common source for paper production was recycled fibers from used textiles, which were called rags. The rags used to be from hemp, linen, and cotton.