Cassia Split, Obtusifolia, an Appetite Thicker Than You’d Expect
If you like flowers and want to decorate with flowers, then a great choice would be the beautiful Cassia. The flowers are called, ‘Sula rubra’ in Indian language. They are originated from two Latin terms, they’re obtuse, that means sharp, and satire which means salt. This plant is a perennial plant and is usually grown around the year-round area of India. The common name’Cassia Split’ is derived when Cassia seeds are separated into two parts, into oblong spikes.
The common name ‘C Cassia Tora Slaps’, is derived from the two Latin words; ‘sula’, that means slapping, and ‘tora’, that means swell. These days, these seeds are dried and used as a cosmetic powder for making face masks. Since Cassia uses many different Latin words, some of the popular names in the family are ‘Sula rubra’, ‘Sula Latina’, and ‘Sula crispa’. The sweet, aromatic scent of this tree draws many people to it’s fragrance, so, when deciding on a Cologne, consider this plant.

It is important to know how to care for your Cassia tora splits. Like any citrus fruit, you should let your Cassia sit in full sun, so expose them to direct sunlight for at least ten hours every day. As far as water goes, it is important to avoid excessive rain, so make sure to water them only when needed. If you do decide to water, use filtered or clean water, don’t ever use tap water, as some Cologne oils can react with tap water, resulting in unwanted side effects.
It is important to keep your cassia tora splits fresh. Keep them covered in a cloth, but not plastic wrap for long periods of time, as they will begin to dry out, and lose their freshness. If you do choose to put them in a container, it would be a good idea to use acid based cleaners, such as orange peel. If using an acid cleaner, try to rinse and wipe the area that has been acid washed, as it could leave a residue on your flowers, causing them to lose their fragrance.
Cassia Split is a food additive thickener that is used in several foods that should not be consumed if you are on a diet, such as sauces, ketchup and mustard dressings. It is also used in diabetic diets, in that it helps to reduce blood sugar levels. It is also believed to aid in weight loss, though this has not been proven. Cassia split, or obtusifolia as it is known in the native lands of Australia, is not a desirable plant for growing. It should only be added to food in very small amounts, as this will add to its shelf life.