Different Forms of Guar Meal – Guar Churi & Guar Kurma
Guar Meal is one of the major ingredients used in a cattle field. It contains the highest protein content for animal feed preparations. It is been used as viscosifier, thickener, binder, gelling agent, stabilizer, emulsifier, flocculants, and water holding ingredient. The guar meal is obtained by processing of seeds of cyamopsis tetragonoloba. The seeds are been roasted at high temperature in order to remove the trypsin inhibitor. The removal of trypsin inhibitor improves its nutritive value.
Generally, Guar Meal is available in different forms that include-- Guar Churi
- Guar Kurma
Guar Meal as Cattle Feed
As a result of a constantly growing population, the demand of the food for humans and animals is constantly increasing. With time, there has been great research and development in this direction and because of it some of the major ingredients which were used in animal feeds are now used in human nutrition. This has led to a reduction in the availability of quality food ingredients for cattle feed. Because of its easy availability and affordability, Guar meal is a promising solution to this problem. Huge quantities of Guar are processed for gum manufacturing and the leftover from the processing is transformed into Guar meal. It is known for its unique amino acid profile along with crude protein contents. However, some of the anti-nutritional components such as guar gum and trypsin inhibitors restrict the usage of Guar meal in broiler diets. However, the lower levels of these components have shown positive effects on animal health.

Guar Churi:
Guar Churi, one form of guar meal is high protein feedstuff that is obtained after processing of guar seeds. It is been roasted in order to enhance protein as well as amino acid nutritive efficiency. It mainly consists of the hull part of the guar seeds. Guar Churi is generally available as a husk or powdered texture form and are highly soluble in water. They are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and are used for animals. It is safe to use in the animal feed industry as it is been produced without the influence of any chemicals. It can also be used as a binder while manufacturing composite feed products. There are various benefits of Guar Churi like it increases the level of milk production in animals for a longer period of time. As it is a crushed mixture it is easily digestible. It also helps to meet the nutritional and dietary requirements of animals for producing more milk. It is free from free from Salmonella, Aflatoxin & E. Coli. It can also be used as a binding agent for other feed compounds due to the presence of residual gum. Guar Churi can be stored in silos due to its free-flowing nature.Guar Churi in Animal Feed
Guar Churi is a type of guar meal, which is a byproduct obtained from guar seeds. Once the processing is complete, it becomes free from e-coli, salmonella and other infections. It has 4-5% oil and albuminoid that is used as a binding agent for animal feed. It is used in different proportions in different types of animal feed. For example, the ideal usage of Guar Churi in poultry is 4-7%. On the other hand, for swine feed, it can be applied in the range of 5-7%. Mostly, Guar Churi is available in powder texture or as a husk. It is a highly nutritional feed ingredient for the animals that are rich in protein. It is manufactured without any chemicals, hence it is one of the safest options, when it comes to the animal feed products.
Guar Kurma:
Guar Kurma is one of the major raw material that is been used in the production of animal feeds. It is been obtained once the guar gum is extracted from the seeds that is available in granular form. It is specially been used for cattle, fish, poultry, swine etc. Guar korma is considered as cost-effective and a fruitful alternative for animal feed as it is been used as a substitute of soya bean meal. When heated at high temperature, it breaks the cell walls that enhance proteins and amino acids digestibility in the product. It contains high protein, amino acids and is highly digestible. It is free from contaminants and consists of high nutritional content. It contains a high percentage of crude proteins that is highly digestible. Guar Korma is highly recommended for milking animals as it contains higher level of energy, protein, methionine, and phosphorus.Guar Kurma in Animal Feed
Guar Kurma is one of the most popular types of Guar Meal. Guar Kurma is mainly used as a raw material in producing animal feeds such as poultry, swine, fish etc. The processed Guar Kurma is ideal for feeding animals and it is more suitable as compared to unprocessed condition. In unprocessed condition, it has an unpleasant odour. However, after processing it becomes odour free and becomes consumable. For a long time, soya meal has been used in producing animal feed. However, Guar Kurma has emerged as a cost-effective alternative. Because of the cost factor, many people have started switching to Guar Kurma. It contains high amounts of crude proteins and amino acid. Because of the lower levels of less digestible fibers, it is very good for the health of the animals. In recent times there has been an increase in demand for Guar Kurma in the animal feed industry.
Avlast Hydrocolloids is a leading manufacturer and provider of guar meal that is used for high protein animal and poultry feedstuff. Along with the guar meal we are also the supplier of guar powder, guar refined splits, and fast hydration guar gum powder. Our cassia products include cassia powder, cassia tora splits, cassia tora meal, and cassia tora seeds.