Recent Interest in Cassia Tora Powder Puts It Ahead of Other Hydrocolloids
The cassia tora plant belongs to the leguminosae family and produces seeds and splits that have been found to have numerous industrial applications. The plant grows in hot, wet and tropical climates. Like other hydrocolloids, the cassia gum is derived from the endosperm of the seeds of the cassia tora plant. Harvesting is done when the seeds are ready and mature, mainly in the months of November to January. Endosperm halves, also called cassia tora splits are separated from the husk in a combination of processes, and the resulting splits, milled to form cassia tora powder.
Factors Favouring the Use of Cassia Gum Powder
Gelling properties
The cassia gum can form gels with other hydrocolloids like the carrageenan and the xanthan gum and therefore serves as an equal alternative to the other more popular hydrocolloids. The increased interest and research on the cassia gum will ultimately translate to better marketability of the cassia gum.
Additional Uses
The cassia tora meal has for a long time been used as a pet food additive as a stabilizer, thickener and gelling agent in the manufacture of canned pet food mainly for cats and dogs .the usage of cassia in pet foods has been approved by most authorities after being approved to have no toxic effects on animals. In the nation of Japan, the gum has been approved as a safe food additive.
Ongoing research shows that the cassia tora seeds can be processed and used for therapeutic purposes such as in the management of various skin diseases such as the ring worms and many other infections.
Chemical Composition
Research has shown that processed cassia gum powder has a different molecular structure, in that it has fewer galactose molecules next to the mannose chain. This property alters the chemical structure and effectiveness of interaction with anionic gums. The fewer number of the galactose chains enables a better synergistic effect when it is mixed with other anionic polymers.
This creates a strong business opportunity because lesser quantity of the hydrocolloid is required to achieve similar gelling effect as compared to other products of the same category.
Various Uses of Cassia Tora Gum PowderProduct Availability
The cassia tora plant is freely growing plant in many parts of the world, mainly in India, Pakistan and the Mediterranean regions. This means that the supply of product is efficient and good enough to meet the developing demand. In economic terms, high and stable supply leads to price stability and this is good for many businesses.
Price Stability
With the sharp price fluctuations observed on other hydrocolloids in the last 3-4 years, manufactures have been forced to look for other suitable alternatives to avoid disruptions in the production process. The cassia tora powder has fit in as a good alternative.
With this increased interest in the cassia tora products, there is a high likely hood that the product has a competitive advantage over other hydrocolloids with similar applications. The recent interest in the product means there will be more market awareness of the product and this will translate to greater demand.